Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nothing is Black & White?

All of us have a world view. All of us gravitate towards people who appear to have a similar world view. We may even want to think we are "open-minded." But, the reality is (if we are honest with ourselves) that each one of us is constantly on the lookout for people who support and confirm our particular world view (and our presuppositions). When we find someone who agrees with us (and supports our already determined point of view), we are all the more convinced that our world view is correct.

Politics and elections do funny things to people. During most election seasons, people's true colors really begin to show. What has been thought about in the privacy of our own minds, and perhaps in the company of a few close friends, comes out in who we choose to support and/or vote for.

Unfortunately, moral relativism is alive and well in our country, especially during this election season. Well-meaning people are whole-heartedly submitting to this dangerous philosophy, maybe without even realizing they are doing so. What is moral relativism? It can be described as "a view that ethical standards, morality and positions of right and wrong are culturally based, and therefore subject to a person's individual choice." In other words, moral relativism says that we can all decide what is right for ourselves. You decide what is right for you, and I'll decide what is right for me. Moral relativism says, "It's true for me if I believe it."

In today's society, it is not the politically correct thing to say that some things are right and other things are wrong. But, it's true. According to the Bible, some things ARE right, and other things are just plain WRONG! Morals and ethics are not altered from one situation, person or circumstance to the next. Truth is truth. It always has been.

For example, abortion is murder. Homosexuality is wrong. Marriage is only between one man and one woman. Sex before marriage is wrong. Lying is wrong. Cheating is wrong. Period.

These absolutes do not change or get altered depending on the situation, or based on who is involved (and their motives), or because of the circumstances you find yourself in. Wrong is wrong. Truth is truth.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I believe that the Bible is God's Word, and that it is truth. This is unapologetically my world view. So, at the risk of alienating people I know and love, I am telling you in this post that the idea that "nothing is black & white" is just plain wrong. It's moral relativism.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I love your blog and hope you continue to write often. You are a very good writer. I agree with a lot of what you have written, and disagree with some! :) Thanks for taking the time to respond.