Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wanna Get Away?

Southwest Airlines has some of the best advertisements! One of my favorites (and one of the funniest ever) is their Wanna Get Away? campaign. You've probably seen one of these ads and laughed at it yourself. But, in case you haven't, the premise is this. Someone in the ad does something really stupid and/or embarrassing, to which the announcer for the ad acknowledges (along with everyone else watching the ad) that the only thing that person can/should do is get away from that situation. Southwest Airlines just happens to provide a lot of places for you to get away to. It is really an effective campaign (as well as extremely humorous). We've all been there...

Lately I have been thinking a lot about wanting to get away. As a matter of fact, my sweet wife and I did get away last weekend for a wonderful "Weekend to Remember" in Little Rock, Arkansas. It was wonderful! Really wonderful!

But, what is it about a lot of us that we sometimes persistently feel the need to get away? What are we trying to get away from, and why?

Well, just like in the advertisements, sometimes we have done something really stupid and/or embarrassing and we think that getting away is the only answer to our situation. Just pack it up, move out of (or away from) the situation and start all over again. Sometimes it is just too painful and humiliating to stay in that particular situation and deal with the consequences and/or comments people make regarding our stupid and/or embarrassing mistake. Like I said earlier, if we are honest with each other, we've all been there...

Lately I've had the urge/idea to get away from our country. There are so many things going on in the politics/government of this land that I don't agree with and really don't like. I can't begin to tell you how much I don't like some of these things! So, it seems very logical to me to want to get away. But, where am I going to get away to? There have even been urges to get away from our city, our neighborhood, and/or our house. Sometimes it seems like starting all over with a clean slate would solve a lot of problems. But, would it really?

Since I am going to hit the ripe old age of double nickels (55) this September, I have also been giving a lot of thought to getting away from my job/career (and some of the incredible responsibilities that go along with that job/career). How much longer am I supposed to do this anyway? How much longer do I work at this job/career that I've been so fortunate to enjoy for more than 31 years? What's the next thing on the horizon for me from a job/career standpoint? Somedays I really, really enjoy my job/career. And then there are other days when I really want to get away.

Sadly, there are even some days (and I really hate to admit it, but I'm just being painfully honest here) when I want to get away from some of the people and relationships in my life. Maybe it is the people that I work with who don't seem to understand me or who are moving away from me? Or maybe it is some of my friendships that are different now and I am just ready to move on to someone/something new? That is when I scare myself about wanting to get away.

In pondering this subject the last couple of days leading up to writing this blog, I have narrowed it down to the following three things I REALLY want to get away from.

First, I want to get away from being a quitter when it comes to our country, our city, our neighborhood and even our house. What good does quitting do? Would anything get better if I quit? Who is going to turn our country and city and neighborhood around if not me? Why would I even consider abandoning my part in all of this? So what if it requires a lot more work and a lot more hassle and a lot more prayer? I need to hang in there and influence our future in a positive and godly way. That is what I am called to do as a Christ follower.

Second, I want to get away from fantasizing about leaving a terrific job/career (and the responsibilities that go with it). I have been so blessed by my job/career for many years. Until I am called to the next thing, why not be faithful to the situation God currently has me in? There is still a lot more work to be done where I am. Who's going to do that work if I check out and abandon my post? I need to give it my best effort and make a difference where I am until God moves me to that next place, wherever that may be.

Third, I want to get away from a selfishness/self-centeredness that causes me to even think about leaving certain friendships/relationships. I believe that God brings certain people my way for an express purpose, and He put me in this specific family for His kingdom and His purposes. Who am I to even consider abandoning that just because it is at times difficult, uncomfortable, challenging and perhaps even unpleasant? God is sovereign. He knows just where I am and who I am with. He has me here in these relationships and this family for His well-defined purposes. Why not live into those purposes so that He can take me to the next assignments He has planned in advance for me?

What about you? Are there times when you wanna get away, too? In spite of what the Southwest Airlines ads say, just a quick get away to another city/country doesn't solve anything. Sometimes the best thing you can do when you find yourself in a situation where you wanna get away is to look up and ask God, "What are you expecting me to do in the place You have placed me right now?" Following His plan for your life is much more satisfying and long-lasting than a weekend or month long escape from your current situation.

1 comment:

Andy Ellwood said...

Great post Dad, as always! I loved 'getting away' to see you today and came back to the work waiting for me with a new energy.