Sunday, October 4, 2009

Study Hard!

Remember when you were in middle school or high school and your teachers or your parents (and for some of you, they were one-in-the-same!) told you to study hard? And why was that? Why did they keep telling you that?

Well, more than likely it was said to generally keep you occupied and out of trouble! But, it may have also been said to make sure that you were fully prepared when school's "pop quizes" or tests came along. Then, when they did, you were really glad that you had studied hard because the "pop quizes" or tests didn't freak you out as much. Remember that?

So, what about those of us who are no longer in middle school or high school (or college for that matter)? Does the fact that we are no longer in an academic setting mean that we don't need to study hard anymore?

From my experience, I would definitely say "No." As a matter of fact, I find that I have an even greater need to study hard these days as my life marches on into the future . You see, as a follower of Jesus Christ, I am studying God's Word - The Bible. Doing so helps me better navigate the successes and challenges of this life. God's Word prepares me fully for what lies ahead. I really never know exactly when life's "pop quizes" or tests will come. Neither do you. But, one thing is for certain. They will come. And, oftentimes we don't see them coming until they are right on top of us. Then, it is kind of late to "cram for the exam." When a success or challenge is right upon you, you're sure glad that you've been studying (or sometimes regretting that you haven't)!

Several dear people in our lives (Christ followers) have had incredible and sometimes unexpected tests thrust upon them in the last few months. The tests I am referring to are much more difficult than the ones you may have had in Biology or Algebra when you were in high school! It has been interesting (and oftentimes inspiring) to watch how these really special people have handled their particular tests. The ones who have developed disciplined habits of studying hard (God's Word), seem to have managed their tests a lot better than those who haven't developed the habit. I think there is a definite correlation for this.

Does that mean that if you study hard the "pop quizes" or tests of life are somehow made easy? No. But for Christ followers, God's Word usually contains all the answers we need for the "pop quizes" and tests of this life. If you don't believe me, I challenge you to try it (studying God's Word hard) and see if it doesn't make a big difference in your life. If you are a Christ follower (and even if you aren't), what have you got to lose? If you try it, I'm convinced that you'll see a difference the next time a success or challenge comes your way.

Study hard! You never know when life's "pop quizes" or tests are going to come your way. I want to be fully prepared for them, don't you?

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