Sunday, March 28, 2010

How Conspicuous is Your Faith?

Most people probably wouldn't consider north Texas and the DFW metroplex to be a significant location for ethnic enclaves of non-Christian faiths. However, I have observed over the past three to five years that this area (like a lot of other predominantly suburban communities in America) is in fact becoming an enclave for several non-Christian faiths.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a Christian, and thus not all that excited/interested in the Muslim mosques (or the numerous Jewish synagogues) close by. But, I am fascinated by and have a great deal of admiration for both Muslims and Jews who appear to be very conspicuous about their faiths. From outward appearances and casual observations alone, it is oftentimes quite easy to discover whether someone is Muslim or Jewish.

Take our Plano neighborhood for example. On Saturdays (the Jewish Sabbath), many of our Jewish neighbors (entire familes) walk to their synagogue because driving cars on their Shabbat is forbidden (unless of course the weather is particularly nasty, thereby giving them an exception to the rule). Men and boys in those families wear their yarmulkes, and frequently the women and smaller children have specific dress requirements as well. Thus, on Saturdays in Plano, Texas, where almost no one is dressed up and out walking around the neighborhood, it is quite obvious which families are Jewish.

What about you? How conspicuous is your faith?

What about me? How conspicuous is my faith?

To assist me in answering my own question, I looked up the word conspicuous in the dictionary. This is what I found for the meanings of that word: 1.) easily seen or noticed; 2.) readily visible or observable; and 3.) attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualitites or eccentricities.

Hmmmm. Is my faith easily seen or noticed by others? If not, why not? Is my faith readily visible or observable? If not, why not? Do the outstanding qualities or eccentricities of my life/faith attract special attention? Positive attention? Why does it seem like only Muslims, Jews and other non-Christian faiths are willing to make their faith conspicuous? Why does it seem like Christians too often attempt to hide and/or succeed in hiding their faith from others around them? What are we afraid of? What are we ashamed of about our faith? Hmmmmm.

Well, here's my challenge to those of you who are Christians (or followers of Christ) this week. Of all weeks of the year, this is the week that you should be especially conspicuous about your faith!

All week long you have an opportunity to be seen or noticed by others for your love of a Savior who even though completely sinless/perfect, voluntarily went to the cross to die for your sins.

All week long you have an opportunity to rejoice in the victory over death that Christ attained by rising from the dead, and make that rejoicing observable by others.

All week long you can make the outstanding qualities of your faith in Christ known and attract positive attention. All for Christ's sake, not your own.

How conspicuous is your faith?

This week, make sure that people know for certain by your godly behavior, selfless actions and unfailing LOVE for others, that you are a follower of Christ. This week, why not let at least one other person know for certain how grateful you are for the ultimate sacrifice Christ made for you on the cross? This week, who in your cluster of relationships needs to know that you are trusting by faith alone in Christ for your salvation, and that you are living in complete dependence on God's grace for eternity?

This is our week, fellow Christians! Make the love and passion of Christ known in all the world!


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