Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are we becoming the "Divided" States of America?

Red states vs. blue states. Conservatives vs. liberals. Republicans vs. Democrats. Independent people (financially) vs. dependent people (financially). PC users vs. Mac users. Suburban/rural dwellers vs. urban/city dwellers. Pro-life people vs. abortion rights advocates. Churched people vs. unchurched people. Christianity vs. all other "religions."

What ever happened to the "United" States of America? I am wondering, were we ever that "united" anyway? Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who said in a speech given in 1858 these words (from Jesus' thoughts in Matthew 12:24-26; Mark 3:23-25; and Luke 11:16-18): "A nation divided against itself cannot stand?"

So how did we get to this place where we are so divided? Seems like we've taken our "independence" and overall selfishness as human beings a little bit too far. Many of us have fallen into the traps set by our culture's "ME" generation and the tendency to think that the whole world revolves around "me" and my wishes/desires/preferences, etc. The greater good of all people doesn't seem to be on our radar screens any more (like it might have been in Abraham Lincoln's time and before?). Rather, it is all about "me" and the heck with everyone else!

I decided this week as I traveled in the eastern part of the United States that I would make a more concerted effort to look for things that "unify" versus things that "divide." Even when someone is doing something that is strange/unfamiliar to me and/or believing something that I don't really agree with or think is wrong, I will try to look for even a very small part to focus on that actually unifies us versus dividing us. What would happen if we all tried to look for things that unify versus things that divide? Wouldn't our country be a much better place for all of us to live if we did this?

As a Christ follower, I am now obligated to extend grace (unmerited favor) to those I come into contact with. After all, isn't that what God did with me when I was completely lost in my sin and in need of salvation (a salvation only received through belief in Jesus' death on the cross and subsequent miraculours resurrection)? Grace does not mean that you compromise God's Word and/or principles of the Christian faith. No, it means that you extend "slack" and understanding to others, and look for ways to agree with them, building paths of understanding and reconciliation wherever you can.

The "Divided States of America?" Don't let it happen. Counteract the prevalent tendencies that are out there to continually divide us, and look for ways that we can be united again. I believe the future of our great country depends on each and every one of us looking for ways we can do this.

What are you doing - what am I doing - to foster unity versus division? Think about it...

1 comment:

Andy Ellwood said...

Can I start the Vince Ellwood in 2012 Campaign now?