Sunday, February 8, 2009

The End of an Era (almost?)...

For the past 16+ years at the Ellwood household, our tradition/pattern from early September through to mid-May (basically the old-fashioned school year) is to have a "Wisdom Search" in the morning to start our homeschool. And, I have been the "leader" of this activity. This is my primary contribution to our homeschool. There have been times in my life when I have felt like leading "Wisdom Search" was my sole purpose in life. What could be better than a Dad sitting around the breakfast table with his wife and children at 7:15 a.m. studying the Bible together? It has been a remarkable run! I am so grateful to God for all the sweet memories and for all He has taught me through these "Wisdom Search" episodes.

But, like all good things, sometimes they have to come to an end. We're not there yet, but we might be getting close. You see, we only have one "student" in our household these days (Nathan) and the demands of my job (and business travel associated with it) have been pretty enormous. Our last official "Wisdom Search" was the morning of November 18, 2008. Today is February 8, 2009.

While I am really O.K. with letting this tradition/pattern go (it has served us well through the years), for Nathan's (and Ellen's?) sake I need to replace it with something else. You see, as the spiritual leader of this family, it is my responsibility to God to teach/guide/instruct/admonish/love those in my charge for their benefit (Ephesians 5:25-27).

It used to be quite easy to do these "Wisdom Search" times when my job wasn't quite as demanding as it is now. I would just carve out the 45 minutes of time routinely on weekday mornings before I'd go to work. Now, going to work a lot of times really means "going to the airport" and I am frequently away from Ellen and Nathan two or three nights a week. Not very conducive to consistency in doing "Wisdom Search" preparations and/or teachings.

So, I am soliciting ideas from all of you who read this for how "Wisdom Search" can be replaced in the Ellwood household for Nathan's (and Ellen's) benefit. Perhaps I could just move up to the 21st Century and do my teaching/training on this blog?


Andy Ellwood said...

Nothing will ever replace sleepy eyed "sword drills" and the full family Wisdom Search, nothing. Some of the best memories from my childhood are there. What a treasure.
I am loving your blog and know that, if time allow, the wisdom searched out and found here would be a close second to the tried and true Wisdom Search.

Vince Ellwood said...

Thanks, Andy. I am enjoying the "writing time" and the great opportunities I'm given to put my thoughts together on Sundays. I think of you everytime I write. Thanks again for the birthday gift. Love you!